Affiliation, identification, assignment

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Affiliation, identification, assignment

It is a technique based on Microsatellite molecular markers to verify the genealogy and identification of an animal at different levels. compatibility with one of the parents compatibility of the two parents search for parents among a batch of animals identification of animals from their genetic profile For more than four decades, paternity verification has been used in animal registration programs. Experience in many breeding programs has shown that parentage testing, in combination with well-managed breeding programs, can ensure accurate pedigrees and consequently an increase in the productive performance of animals. Test procedures A genetic profile (molecular genetic fingerprint) is generated through genotyping of Microsatellite markers specific for a given species. Any type of biological material can be used (blood, hair, semen, tissue, milk, cheese, etc.). The technique consists of DNA extraction, amplification of the markers by the Polymerase chain reaction and electrophoresis in an automatic sequencer. Successively the genetic profiles of one or more animals are compared using different statistical software to determine the opinion. The profiles of each animal remain unchanged and therefore their data can be used in different parentage tests also after their death. Possible scenarios. We take a profile of an animal, its mother and 3 possible parents: in this case father 1 and mother are considered compatible while father 2 is excluded. Microsatellites M1 M2 M3 M4 Animal 100/112 162/168 202/208 224/226 Mother 100/112 162/164 202/206 224/260 Father 1 100/100 156/168 208/208 226/242 Father 2 96/120 156/158 194/202 222/242 Relationship Analysis Accuracy Relatedness Testing identifies individuals due to a specific combination of alleles for each marker. In animal genetics we work in the opposite direction to what is carried out in the human field: on a farm we search among a group of stallions (that participate in breeding) which is the most probable father, excluding the others while in a case of paternity human nature is intended to determine that a certain individual is or is not the father of a child. For this reason and for the nature of many breeding systems, animal identification and reproductive registration are important, to reduce to a minimum the search possibilities on which to carry out the test. In fact, the precision of the test is close to 100% when both parents are included in the indigo and drops to 95% when only one is.
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